A time for Progress and New Masculinities

Please read our introduction to the Nordic collaboration project “New masculinities in the Nordics”. After months of preparation and discussion, the project is now on the way, and we want to share it with all our readers. In the text below you can see what the project is about, our motivation for starting it and also, words from the partners.

Why now – listening to the voices of men

In recent years, many workplaces across the Nordic countries have introduced various initiatives to promote gender equality. For example: salary audits, workshops, presentations, thematic days, positive action hirings or promotions, training programs, workplace gender equality audits, or any other initiatives aimed at improving gender equality within the organization.

In a time of ongoing discussion about gender equality, we are proud to announce our project ”New Masculinities in the Nordics”. The project partners are Add Gender and Boss Business Partner from Sweden, KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity from Norway, NORM from Denmark, and TalTech University from Estonia. The project is funded by: NIKK – Nordic Information on Gender on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

We are interested in hearing from men in the Nordics about their experiences of gender equality activities and initiatives in the workplace. As gender and diversity experts, we are aware of the efforts that have been made the last several years to increase awareness and change cultures. This is now an unique opportunity to review how these efforts have been received by men.

The methodology and how to include all men 

Most men we aim to reach may not yet be aware of the diverse ways to understand and embody masculinity in modern society. Some may even feel reluctant to engage with a gender equality project, particularly those skeptical of its aims. This raises important questions: How can we adapt our sampling and communication strategies to address such skepticism while fostering inclusivity for trans men?

To address this, our project prioritizes a shared commitment to recognizing trans men and fostering an inclusive understanding of gender identity. Central to this is educating participants about cisnormativity—the assumption that everyone is cisgender—and emphasizing that our guiding principle is: all men are men.Determining the best methodological approach has been a productive challenge. For example, should we explicitly mention cis men and trans men? Or would it be more effective to use “men” as an umbrella term inclusive of all? We recognize the potential risk of trans men having to self-advocate to clarify whether they are fully welcomed in our study. Addressing this balance is critical.

One approach has been to define our target group based on lived experiences, asking questions such as “Have you faced challenges or experiences shaped by being seen or identifying as a man?” This shifts the focus to lived realities, accommodating both skeptical men and those with diverse gender experiences. By framing questions this way, we aim to foster a space that is inclusive without reinforcing rigid binaries.

These discussions mark key milestones in this international and exploratory project. They reflect our commitment to pushing boundaries and developing practical, intersectional approaches to gender inclusivity. By continuously engaging in open dialogue, we ensure that our project evolves to reflect diverse perspectives and foster genuine inclusivity for all participants.

Next step in the project

Keep an eye out for the next steps in the project – invitations to both the conference and the release of the report and our insights are on their way. Follow us on social media to stay updated and connect with all our exciting project partners. You can read more about them below. Follow the project and answer the survey questions on our project webpage: https://addgender.se/new-masculinities/ 

Voices from the collaboration partners

We have asked every partner to write something about the project in progress; what are our hopes or expectations?


A lot of NORM’s work focuses on engaging everyone in the journey toward more inclusive and equitable workplaces. Therefore, we are particularly excited about the potential outcomes of this project, which we hope will contribute both knowledge and practical tools to support that mission. https://normconsulting.dk/

KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity

We’re excited to dive into a project focuses on men in the gender equality debate. Today’s discussions on gender equality are often polarized, dominated by strongly contrasting opinions. There’s a clear gap in research – particularly when it comes to understanding men’s perspectives and the concept of masculinity in this context.

With this project, we aim to provide valuable insights, bridge the gap in research, and explore how gender equality initiatives are shaping the experiences of men in the Nordic region today. Our goal is to help foster a more inclusive conversation and address perspectives that are often overlooked. https://kun.no

Add Gender

This project is a valuable “check-in” for us at Add Gender to understand how men perceive gender equality efforts in the workplace. The findings will help us refine our strategies as consultants and adapt to current challenges, including rising anti-feminist sentiments.

We want to know what engages men, and motivates them to take part in gender equality initiatives. If men on the other hand are critical towards gender equality initiatives, we want to know why. Honest insights will allow us to address resistance and improve our methods to create meaningful change.

While coordinating across countries can be challenging, the diverse perspectives enrich the project, ensuring creative and nuanced solutions to complex issues. https://addgender.se/


TalTech is thrilled to be a partner on this project investigating masculinities. The project involves data collection in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and our national context in Estonia. Although challenges are inevitable in such a collaboration, there is also great opportunity to learn from, and empower each other’s practices towards gender equity in workplaces. We look forward to contributing to the projects success. https://taltech.ee/en

BOSS Business Partner

At BOSS Business Partner, we are currently participating in this project, where we will explore men’s perspectives and attitudes toward gender equality initiatives in companies and organizations. This initiative stems from our observation that gender equality is regressing in many areas, particularly within the business sector.

Our goal is to promote a more inclusive and equitable corporate environment where both women and men can thrive, contribute, and shape the companies of the future.

We believe in social and economic sustainability, where society benefits from diverse teams. To achieve this, we see learning, education, and evidence as essential. Through this project, we aim to increase awareness and support wise decision-making for businesses that want to remain attractive and profitable in the future. https://bossbp.se/

More about the project

The aim of the project is to research and compile a report on men’s reactions to diversity initiatives and gender equality practices in Nordic workplaces.

We will use data collection through interviews and surveys to analyse men’s perspectives on gender equality initiatives in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The results will form the basis for updates to training materials and an awareness-raising campaign. The project will consist of planning, comprehensive literature review, data analysis, workshops and campaigning.

The desired outcomes are: a comprehensive report on men’s reactions to gender equality and diversity initiatives, development and dissemination of training materials, wider acceptance and involvement of men in gender equality work, and a sustainable Nordic network.

The project is funded by: NIKK – Nordic Information on Gender on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

You can read more about the project here: New Masculinities in the Nordics – NIKK

Författare: Add Gender
Kontakt: hej@addgender.se

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